A recent report published by the World Health Organisation states that Aircraft air supplies contaminated by pyrolysed engine oil and other aircraft fluids can reasonably be linked to acute and chronic symptoms, findings and diagnoses, thus establishing causation.
The aim of the study was to undertake an in-depth investigation of aircrew involved in suspected aircraft contaminated air events to determine whether the reported symptoms and diagnoses are consistent with exposure to pyrolysed jet engine oil and engine/ aircraft fluids or to other factors.
Other potential causes of symptoms have been suggested. However, these fail to recognise that:
The design mechanism allows chronic low-level exposure to a complex mixture during both normal flight and specific incident events with confirmed leakage
Observed effects are consistent with those of recognized hazards
Acute effects and operational limitations reduce flight safety
Chronic effects are common
Passengers occupy the same environment as crew.
The report suggests that over 3.5 billion passengers and 0.5 million aircrew were exposed to low levels of engine oil contamination in 2015 alone, therefore, there is an obvious need for a clearly defined internationally recognized medical protocol, occupational syndrome and disease recognition, and health and environmental data collection.
Download Excerpts from the Report here: https://vn-cp.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/5_OriginalResearch_AerotoxicSyndrom_ENG.pdf