Canary’ Nano Optical Sensor Technology now detects Tributyl Phosphate (TBP) in Aircraft Cabins
VN Aerotoxic Detection Solutions Ltd have been developing their patented nano sensor technology for the past 5- years to create a ‘Canary’ type sensor for real-time detection of the poisonous organophosphate-compounds Tributyl Phosphate, TBP and Tricresyl Phosphate, TCP in aircraft cabins.
The initial handheld unit design and detection capability is being witness tested and verified using Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC MS) by the National Physical Laboratory in Teddington, UK for the detection of low-level TBP in ‘real-time’.
The next work package will provide for detection of:
TCP, TPP, Oil Base, CO, Toluene (cabin air contaminants), Limonene, acetone (breath contaminants), ethanol (contaminant of cabin air & breath).
The VN-ADS Canary has also been proven in testing and verification for accuracy, robustness and flexibility of operation within the aircraft cabin in actual flight and using aircraft cabin test facilities.
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