VN-CP offer ‘Certified High Net Worth Individuals’ (CHNWI’s) or Certified Sophisticated Investors (CSI’s) opportunities in SEIS & EIS Special Purpose Vehicles (SPV’s) with HMRC Advanced Assurance in place. All Investors must supply a signed ‘Statement of Certified High Net Worth’ or provide a ‘Sophisticated Investor’ status certificate before they will be considered for participation.
All projects are thoroughly scrutinised by the project development team and a professional industry third party, undergoing strict due diligence, referencing:
- The technical team, and actual technology solution
- IP, patents, copyright and know-how
- Legislation and incentives
- Market size/opportunity
- Cost to develop
- Cost to market
- Time to delivery.
Because we have a strong in-house commercial capability to evaluate ‘risk versus return’ with very early stage technology, we are delivering opportunities to our investors that would usually be ‘ring-fenced’ by manufacturers within their R&D budgets. During our ‘growth’ period we identified a significant gap between projects that should receive funding and those that actually get it.
This is the ‘opportunity space’ VN-CP specialise in.
Currently we have a ‘waiting list ‘of High Net Worth Investors for our SEIS projects and a very strong ‘re-investment’ line for our Round 2 EIS opportunities.
VN-CP do not develop ‘leading-edge’ technologies, but ‘bleeding-edge’ investment opportunities. Recognised by the UKTI as a professional management team we use commercial common-sense to focus on investor returns. With ‘skin-in-the-game’ the management team has an attitude to expenditure, efficiency and delivery that is second to none. This means that investors can be assured of the best outcome for all funds invested in VN opportunities, which in turn provides great opportunities for investors, inventors, and society alike, going forward into this new Viridis Navitas century.