VN Capital Partners Ltd (VN-CP) was formed 12-years ago by industry experienced individuals with the specific intent to find, qualify, fund and commercialise leading-edge technologies for the benefit of investors and management teams alike.
VN-CP started with the clear concept of developing technologies that not only deliver profitable companies for successful investor exits, but that also have clear and transparent principles of operation including, but not limited to the following:
- Complete financial transparency to investors in any and all aspects of the company, including projected share dilutions on future fundraising
- Projects that have had time, money and effort spent by the management team qualifying them and their potential market so that the business plan and all of its metrics are reference-able, understandable and make business-sense
- Projects that are driven by Government legislation and incentives
- SEIS and EIS opportunities only marketed to investors once Advanced Assurance by HMRC is confirmed
- No ongoing fees to manage invested funds
- A one-off distribution fee paid to access funds and investors
- No salaried management teams until the companies move to commercialisation (usually in round 3)
- All company deliverables are outsourced to industry specialists and the scientific community on fixed price, fixed outcome, SLA underpinned contracts
- No ongoing OPEX requiring funding, i.e. all funds are directed towards delivering engineering solutions, independently verified proofs, IP protection, company administration and prototypes up until commercialisation
- All returns from the companies’ successful exit go to investors, there are no management success fees
- The management team are incentivised by equity stakes in the company, therefore investors and management team are completely aligned.
Given the bewildering array of promises, guaranteed return claims and various assurances given in the SEIS & EIS product market today, VN Capital Partners project offerings are simple, i.e. investment opportunities that are completely transparent, provide potentially very significant returns to investors, and deliver value for money with no fund management or success fees.
VN-CP Investor returns on current projects have seen exponential value increases as the funding rounds progress through the Stage deliverables. As an example:
VN Automotive Round 1 shares subscribed at £120, Round 2 at £486 and Round 3 fully subscribed at £3020
VN H Power Generation Round 1 shares over-subscribed at £10, Round 2 closed at £37.50 and Round 3 is targeting a price of £75
VN ADS Round 1 shares over-subscribed at £1000 and Round 2 is fully subscribed at £2000
Compare Investments Dot Guru Round 1 shares over-subscribed at £1000
VN Kerb Turbo Solutions Round 1 shares subscribed at £1000 and Round 2 once TRL 4/5 is achieved is targeting £2000
Whilst these are ‘paper’ returns only until a commercial exit is achieved, we believe that the growth is exceptional and the opportunities very ‘real’.